Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And the pain screams

Sometimes in the loneliest hour,
when the birds stop chirping,
when the clouds come to a standstill,
I think of the bygone times,
the slashed wounds, those blood-filled streams,
flash my mind and the pain screams.

Sometimes when I see a shadow,
a fear darkens me deep within,
a doubt lurks and drifts across,
I think of the dark times,
those black days, grieves and cries,
echoes around and the pain screams.

Sometimes when I see love,
guilt becomes the ruler,
anger accompanies along,
I think of the treason times,
those trust killings, deceit, back stabbings,
penetrate my flesh and the pain screams.

Sometimes when I think of life,
its only me I see,
its only me I trust,
I think of the worst of times,
it was always me with me to prove my trust on me,
I succumb my tears and the pain screams.


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